Opening, Exhibition


Félix de La Forest de Divonne

16/11/2024 | 14:00
16–23/11/2024 Thu–Fri 14–18:00 and by appointment
> Mosergasse 6, 1090

SEEKING SILENCE. focuses on the fleeting beauty found only in moments of genuine introspection. Each portrait in the collection isolates a unique moment of self-reflection demonstrating the artist’s ability to capture that what is simultaneously deeply personal and universally human. Every distinct composition carries with it the voice of artist Félix de La Forest de Divonne. His work presents a visual narrative that invites viewers to contemplate the unspoken stories captured in a moment of quiet stillness. SEEKING SILENCE. aims to prompt viewers to reflect on characterized by constant noise and distraction.

About the artist:
Félix found his passion for photography back in 2012, his style developed and evolved over time. His photography now could be described as simple and -revealing, capturing emotions in a unique manner. The art is characterized by a minimalist approach.