This is not a workshop about making photographs, but learning how to understand your own work in a way that makes it easier to share it with others.
The program is centered around looking at the participants own work so it is important that everyone bring some of their own photos to show and present. It should be work that they want to share with others but it does no have to be finished projects or large series that have been exhibited.
Participants must want to engage and talk about their work and discuss the other participants photographs. I share my own thoughts on how to present my photographs and lay down some rules and guidelines for how to proceed from a project idea to finished series so as to end up with images that will be easier to share and get people interested in.
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All participants should bring a portfolio of up to 20 digital images from a project or series they want to present and discuss. Images should be sorted numerically on a memory stick that can be plugged into a mac laptop for display through projector or screen.
Portfolio Reviewers:
Stig Marlon
Thomas Licek
Kati Bruder
Pablo Giori
Sasho N. Alushevski
Sergey Melnitchenko
Terhas Berhe