© Andrea van der Straeten, Paralysed Fertility, 1992, Bildrecht Wien, Foto: Christoph Fuchs
exhibition, Finissage, REFLEKTOR Fotobuchfrühstück

burning down the house

Andrea van der Straeten im Gespräch mit Vreni Hockenjos

25/11/2023 | 11:00
24/10 – 25/11/2023 Tue  &  Fri 14 – 19:00, Wed  &  Thu 12 – 19:00, Sat 10 – 14:00
> Währinger Straße 59, 1090

Andrea van der Straeten’s works are representative of the changes that took hold of the medium of photography starting in the 1980s and ushered it into the art world, where it was welcomed with open arms. As part of this movement, she conceived photographs for the wall, exploded formats, presented her photographs on expansive displays or lying on the floor, took advantage of the new large paper formats or pre-inked special papers that came on the market. Since then, she has moved to the edges of the media, sometimes sabotaging technology and material. Her works are political, feminist and cultural-historical, her visual language is vivid, rich in form and memorable.

Finissage with Reflektor photo book breakfast: The artist Andrea van der Straeten talks with Vreni Hockenjos about her publications, including her latest: the WERKSCHAU catalog for the exhibition at FOTOGALERIE WIEN.