Free Portraits
Die Arbeit an der Serie Free Portraits hat Leo Kandl 1998 in Wien begonnen und danach in New York, Lemberg, London, Kiew, Teheran und in Moskau bis 2005 weitergeführt. Die Protagonisten für die Bildreihen hat Leo Kandl in allen Städten mittels Zeitungsannoncen, in denen der Fotograf seine Fotografie angeboten hat, gefunden. Eine Ausnahme bildete Teheran, […]
Making a basic silver gelatine darkroom print
This course is designed for beginners in the darkroom or anyone who wants to freshen up on forgotten skills.
Grossformatkamera Grundlagen
Im Workshop mit Timotheus Tomicek und Peter M. Mayr erarbeiten wir uns Schritt für Schritt das praktische Arbeiten an der Großformat Fachkamera.
Creativity Workshop
A two day workshop divided in few sessions, each day five-six hours work.
Printing with plants & soil [SOLD OUT]
Phytogramme & Erd-Chromatographie
Pinhole Camera [OUT OFF STOCK]
build a pinhole camera, shoot with it, develop you image
Double Exposure [OUT OFF STOCK]
learn how to use the creative options of your analog camera and understand the key points on how to do double exposure
Colour printing [SOLD OUT]
Colour printing for beginners and intermediates. Learn a wide selection of styles, color grading and printing techniques
35mm B/W slide reversal processing & toning [SOLD OUT]
SCALA slides are truly
magical to see
Analog or NFT or Analog in NFT
Analog or NFT or Analog in NFT – Film photography is going into NFT – how to sell, to come into blockchain, main steps etc. Who decides about the future of the project – author or camera and is it necessary to have expensive equipment to make a successful project?
Carbon Print [CANCELED]
Workshop on Carbon printing from film