Winners of open Call »Outsiders«

Sarah Mei Herman - Solace - Rotlicht Festival 2024

478 photographers from 48 countries participated in our Open Call, confirming our suspicion that analogue photography, often declared dead, is not only experiencing a revival but is reinventing itself. Artists:Mónica Almereyda, Salem Ashe, Matevž Čebašek, Yuxing Chen, Thana Faroq, Spencer Glover, Kat Green, Sarah Mei Herman, Vladislav Lakubovskii, Vanni Jung Ståhle, Catriona Leahy, Lesha Pavlov, […]

Analog photography in Georgia. In the 19th-21st centuries

1. The beginning of photography in Georgia.The end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century.2. Soviet ideologized photography.3. The 60s. Official and other photography.4. 80s “perestroika” and changes in photography.5. Modern analog photography in Georgia today.

Book Signing and Talk with Roger Ballen

Roger Ballen: Cat Catcher 1998 - Exhibition: Animal Absurdity - Rotlicht 2024

Born in 1950 in New York, Roger Ballen has lived and worked in South Africa for nearly 40 years. In addition to documentary and conceptual photography projects, he creates short films and has published a series of photography books. Roger will be present for a book signing and talk session at Festivalzentrale – Atelierhaus der […]

Analog Culture Today!The Dynamics between Institutions, Artists, and Historians

Why do photographers, at the height of the digital world, use analog photography from the 19th century? If we can take color photos with our phone at any time, why should we repeat complicated analog color photographic processes that are over 100 years old? When we think of photography as a medium today, what role […]