The relevance of photographic techniques in contemporary photography
Horizontal Portfolio Review
The Horizontal Portfolio Review can be useful not only for those photographers who want to present their work to curators, gallery owners or collectors, but also for those who just get their friends and family more engaged in their pictures.
Film Industry
NEUENEINHALB – das vergessene Schmalfilmformat
Analoge Nachhaltigkeit
Horizontal Portfolio Review
The Horizontal Portfolio Review can be useful not only for those photographers who want to present their work to curators, gallery owners or collectors, but also for those who just get their friends and family more engaged in their pictures.
Free Portraits
Die Arbeit an der Serie Free Portraits hat Leo Kandl 1998 in Wien begonnen und danach in New York, Lemberg, London, Kiew, Teheran und in Moskau bis 2005 weitergeführt. Die Protagonisten für die Bildreihen hat Leo Kandl in allen Städten mittels Zeitungsannoncen, in denen der Fotograf seine Fotografie angeboten hat, gefunden. Eine Ausnahme bildete Teheran, […]