maybe. magazine for analog photography


Maybe. Magazin Release

19/11/2022 | 12:00 – 13:00
Festival Headquarters: Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
> Lehárgasse 8, Tor 2, 1060

maybe. magazine for analog photography was established by Kalamari Klub in 2019. The second issue, titled rauschen. (English: noise), focuses on analog and experimental photography at the interface of art and science and is published in cooperation with IsoQuant, a Collaborative Research Centre at Heidelberg University.

It features works from 49 contributing artists who were selected by a jury following an international open call.

We are celebrating the release of our new issue of maybe. magazine for analog photography at ROTLICHT festival. The presentation includes an introduction to the project, exclusive behind-the-scenes information and Artist talks with five of the artists who are featured in the magazine.

Presentation by Kalamari Klub and Artist talks with Elizabeth Ransom, Tobias Becker, Cosmo Großbach, Michael Crocker and Maria Solaguren-Beascoa Negre.